Dougal went to his monthly doxie Meet-up at Pine Lake dog park. There were about 40 dogs and owners there, but it wasn't as much fun as it usually is. Let me elaborate: there were new peeps there with new doxies. One man had two long-haired dachsies, very cute, and one of them very nasty. This dog felt it his right to bark and snap at all comers, including large dogs that didn't appreciate his "assertive" personality. My beef with this hot dog was that when Dougal approached to sniff and be sniffed, this little monster snapped at Dougal and nipped him in the face. Actually, Dougal handled himself with grace, and didn't freak out. The brain-dead owner just looked on benignly at his darling doggies. I was incensed, obviously. That incident was emblematic of the un-cool vibe of that particular meet-up. We didn't see any of our faves, like babies Max and Ogi. Still, there were other lovely specimens to look at. Here are some pictures from Dougal's day out.